Casper Schwarz Architects is founded back in 2006 with one clear thought in mind: an architect should be a team player. By collaborating, developing, listening, adjusting, and improving, we can find the key to quality design. Well thought-over with a minimum of concessions. An interior design in which people feel comforted, inspired, and energized. We are specialized in office environments in the most renewing ways. We create total design concepts implementing human behavior and well-being within the brand identity.
If you are looking for a transition in work processes, we are your partner to achieve your milestones. 

Ever since our founding, Casper Schwarz Architects has evaluated itself to an enthusiastic team of professionals that is communicative, cooperative, and consistent. We create an open bond with our clients. We are honest, straightforward, and to the point. We don’t like to walk around issues, we want to solve them. We are open-minded and creative at heart. Each project is a next step up and not a repetition of the previous. We believe in development, improvement, and deviation from beaten tracks. We aim for unique and profiling designs for each of our clients separately.

With the experience on board of many finalized projects, we know our cup of tea regarding each facet of a project. We collaborate with involved managers and consultants. We know what’s going on, and with a critical mindset, we aim for the best result in every direction.

In the end, we don’t care about carpets, light fixtures, curtains nor cable ducts; we care about people. The importance of an interior design for the end-users. From the day of moving in until many years later, we want them to feel great about their workspace. The design elements to achieve that goal is our toolbox. We would be thrilled to open that toolbox for your project and project start!

Our design team consists of:

Casper Schwarz * Supervising senior interior architect – founder and owner

Marit Willems * Creative director – interior designer

Lisan Geerts * Creative director – interior designer

Maartje Moleman * Medior interior designer

Nicky van Roode * Medior interior designer

Natasa Trypsani * Medior interior architect, architect

Ilse Groot * Junior interior designer

Iris Zumbrink *  Junior interior designer

Christa Melis * Construction manager interior designer

Geert Kok * Senior interior designer

Laura Karam * Press and finance

Casper Schwarz Architects is a Dutch-based studio, available for projects in any country around the globe. Feel free to contact us!



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